We wrapped up a triumphant season with an end-of-season celebration, marking our victorious campaign in the 2023/2024 Volta Football Association Division Two middle League.

Amid the festivities, club president Mr. Rabeah El-Eter praised the team’s remarkable achievement, officially congratulating and rewarding the players and staff with a generous cash bonus for their incredible efforts as he lauded their hard work and encouraged them to maintain their dedication.

Our CEO Mr. Delali Senaye echoed the same sentiment, extending heartfelt gratitude not only to the team but also to our loyal sponsors Capelli Sports, Tampico Ghana, and Sub Box Restaurant for their unwavering support throughput this journey.

Additionally, our Technical Director Mr. William Klutse struck a balance between celebration and preparation, reminding the players to continue striving and training hard, emphasizing the tough journey ahead in Division One.

Team captain Samuel Boakye also took turn to officially  present the trophy to management.

He  thanked them for their trust and support as he assured that the team is more motivated than ever to excel in the upcoming season.

The event marked the official end of the 2023/2024 season, allowing players a well-deserved break before pre-season training kicks off.

Congratulations once again to everyone who made this incredible achievement possible.

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